Scrophulariaceae |
![]() Scrophularia ilwensis |
Scrophularia L. Scrophularia ilwensis C. KOCH Ömür: Tek yıllık Yapı: ot Hayat formu: İlk çiçeklenme zamanı: 4 Son çiçeklenme zamanı: 7 Habitat: Piceae ve Pinus sylvestris ormanları, Quercus çalılığı, kayalık kireçtaşı yamaçlar Minimum yükseklik: 1100 Maksimum yükseklik: 2750 Endemik: - Element: İran-Turan Türkiye dağılımı: KD. ve Karasal Anadolu Genel dağılımı: Kafkasya Bulunduğu kareler: A7 A8 A9 B5 B6 B7 B9 C5 |
S. ilwensis C.Koch in Linnaea 17:284 (1843). Syn: S. calverti Boiss., Diagn. ser. 2(3): 152 (1853). Ic: Fl. Azerb. 7: t. 38 (1957). Figure 19, p. 613. Annual. Stem c. 20-100 cm, erect, simple or rarely much branched above, glandular. Lower leaves forming rosette, cauline all alternate, often congested, lower shortly petiolate (petiole 1.5-6 cm); lamina rhomboidal, oblong or ovate to broadly ovate, (1 -5-)3-9 x (1 .3-)2-7 cm, lower with margin crenate to bicrenate, upper sharply doubly dentate, rarely dentate-pinnatifid. Inflorescence subfoliate to aphyllous, bracts rhomboidal. Cymes 2-14-fiowered; peduncle 0.7-4 cm; alar pedicels 2.5-6(-ll) mm, glandular; bracteoles glandular, (2.5-)4-6(-10) mm. Calyx lobes ovate, obtuse to ± orbicular, 3-4 x 2-4 mm, glabrous (very rarely glandular); scarious margin white or yellow to brown, usually broad. Corolla maroon, crimson or red, rarely red and white, 5-8 mm; stamens exserted, rarely ± included, filament glands oblong; staminode reniform or transversely oblong, rarely oblong. Capsules ovoid, (6-)7-10x (4-)5-7 mm. Fl. 4-7. Picea and Pinus sylvestris forest, Quercus scrub, rocky limestone slopes, grassland, especially nr water, 1100-2750 m. Type: [Soviet Armenia] in montibus ilwensis tractus somchetici Abotz, [v 1837,] C.Koch (holo. B, destroyed). N.E. & Inner Anatolia. A7 Gümüşane: Stadodopi (nr Ilya Da.), Sint. 1894: 5585! A8 Gümüşane: nr Baibut (Bayburt), Bourgeau. Erzurum: on main road ElOO 75 km N. of Erzurum, 2400 m, Walton 21! Rize: above Djimil (Cimil), 1500 m, Bal. Çoruh: Artvin, 1100 m, Stainton 8297! A9 Çoruh: d. Ardanuç, Kordevan Da. (Yalnizçam Dağlari), 2500 m, D. 30245! Erzurum: nr Horasan (Grossheim 7: map 543). Kars: Sarikamiş, c. 2300 m, Oğuz & Yildiz (EGE 12582)! B5 Yozgat: Akdağmadeni to Büyük Nalbant Da. at Rasih Ihsan lead mine, 1800 m, Coode & Jones 2028! B6 Sivas: 14 km N. of Sivas, 1350-1500 m, Sorger 69-49-85! B7 Erzincan: Sipikör Da., 1525 m, Sint. 1889:1127! Malatya: Kainardagh (nr Arapkir), Sint. 1889:917! Sivas: Divriği, T.Baytop (ISTE 13040)! B9 Van: Çuh pass, Hoşap to Başkale, 1690 m, Hub.-Mor. 11584! Caucasia. Ir.-Tur. element. Of rather isolated position; somewhat related to S. scopolii, from which it differs by oblong filament glands and (in Turkey) by cauline leaves all alternate. A gathering from B9 Van (d. Çatak, Kavuşşahap Da., 2745 m, D. 23066!) is short-stemmed (20-30 cm) with small rhomboidal leaves and ± aphyllous inflorescence. Coode, Jones & Tobey 1904 (A5 Çorum: Kose Da., 1500 m!) has pinnatifid cauline leaves but is otherwise similar to S. ilwensis. |